Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor: 2022 as Seen by Elders and Peacekeepers

Video Courtesy of Lux Media
Andre Pitre, Producer

We are reminded to stay in the present. This can be a challenge in light of the global events of recent years. The New Media sells us many stories, none of which can really be validated. And they create a dark picture of the future, in any case.

Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor’s message here is refreshing and timely. If you think this is about “politics” – GUESS AGAIN! This is about the unique person each and every one of us is, about the vital contribution we each are here to contribute. “Recovery” is about becoming productive citizens again. It’s about fulfilling the purpose we came here with.

You are needed. You are loved! Please share!

with subtitle lower case square

Want a Preview? Click on “Introduction” to read:


Note: This Ebook is currently available in PDF format only.  More to come!

This book was written as an accumulation of experiences and information that continues to help me along my own personal growth evolution.  That’s right; our personal, professional, emotional and spiritual growth is ongoing. You’ve heard it before – it’s not about the destination – because every day we wake up alive, the “finish line” has been moved! It’s all about the JOURNEY.

How we perceive our environment and our lives determines whether that journey is drudgery or a joyful dance. It doesn’t matter what life challenges us with – what determines our success, our happiness, is how do we respond?

There are those who believe that change has to be hard and painful. Guess what? You’ve just defined your experience. The more you reinforce that as your truth, the more you “cement” that truth as yours. The obvious play on words here is that too often quoted belief, “no pain no gain.” Did you know that there’s evidence that the subconscious mind fails to register “negatives” (i.e. “no”). That’s why I structured the title “Know Change, Know Gain.”

Will reading this book change your life forever? Maybe. That’s always a possibility. But what if there was just one kernel of something that made a difference in how you view yourself, others, your environment, and how you can influence that to be more like what you want it to look like? Just one little morsel that you never considered before? Would it be worth it?

Here’s what I know: we are all here as a unique part of a beautiful mosaic called “Life.” Each of us is vital to the whole. My desire in sharing this book is to help one other person find ways to remove or release the obstacles they may have created or inherited from others. If we’re on the journey, we’re works in progress!

Having the life you want was never a matter of “deserving” – you exist, therefore, you deserve All Good Things – it’s a matter of how much do you want it?


©2018 Deborah Adler and Silverstream Global LLC. All rights reserved. (NOTE: ALL quotes and/or materials from other authors or sources remain the sole property of the original authors/source.)

Posted by: DJ | February 11, 2015

Keys To a Powerful Life

Posted by: DJ | November 25, 2014

Principles before Personalities

There is no place for personal prejudices, squabbles, etc., in the rooms of recovery. That is a sacred space where people come to stay sober, addiction free, more sane and/or to help others do the same. For over 70 years the Traditions have guided people from all walks of life, all religions, races, creeds; the believer and non-believer in their quest for recovery from their particular addiction through the unified focus of “singleness of purpose.”

A friend of mine recently experienced a personal attack from another member of AA, whom we’ll call “Miss Self-Importance.“ The attack came in the form of gossip outside the rooms, but the repercussions have spilled back into the room. It’s a small town with few meetings and everyone pretty much knows everyone – in the meetings, as well as in the town.
The good of this situation is that a good number of people have approached her and said “Miss Self-Importance” had tried to spread her story to them and they simply told her they weren’t interested – referencing the Traditions.

The unfortunate part of this situation is that there is a tension there that others have picked up on. In addition, this individual has felt so compelled to enlist a local free-lance reporter to her “cause” of exposing me (her issues) who has come to the meetings as a recovering alcoholic. So Tradition 3 states that “the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.” Only the individual can determine whether or not that applies – and it’s not up to anyone else to question. My friend has expressed her concerns to me, and feels there are some telltale signs of deception – but there’s no place that she can go with that right now.

In the meantime, she has maintained herself in accordance with the 12 Traditions and has gone back to staying on topic as far as the discussions go. There have been several very good discussions lately about the Traditions, the “I am Responsible” statement and the right of each of us to determine our own relationship with the “God of our understanding.”

My friend has acknowledged the gossip within the meeting without naming names, and the response has been rewardingly “Traditional” amongst the members present. So it’s back to the business at hand – helping each other stay sober one day at a time.

As my friend was relaying this experience to me the other day, she blurted out, “Thank God it was me…and not some new person, or someone more fragile in their recovery. I’ve been blessed with the gift of a solid foundation by many sponsors and Sisters and Brothers in recovery who have shared their experience, strength and hope with me as they faced life challenges. So I wasn’t about to go off and drink.” But she was forthcoming that she had provided some “rent-free” space to “Miss Self-Importance“ in her head for a bit. And admittedly, I’ve have to really work at what I feel has been a gross disrespect of the 12 Traditions (my issue!).

But what if the object of “Miss Self-Importance” has been a new person, or someone on rocky ground? No one is responsible for another person’s using, but we need to NOT be contributing to someone else’s self-doubts, or sense of belonging in the fellowship.

We have to THINK about how we’re going to affect others in the rooms. There is NO PLACE for personal attacks, not according to the 12 Traditions.

Our main purpose is to help each other achieve or stay in sobriety. That’s called support. You don’t have to like everyone in the rooms – and if you have personal issues with someone, park them at the door!

My friend has done everything she can to keep things at “Principles before Personalities” and stay within the tenants of the 12 Traditions. That’s all she can do. Bottom line is: we can’t control anyone else, we can only take care of our own behavior. It’s definitely been an exercise in growing, “practicing these Principles in all our affairs!”

I welcome your response, or sharing of solutions to any similar experience. 🙂

©2014 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved (NOTE: ALL quotes and/or materials from other authors or sources remain the sole property of the original authors/source.)

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This Saturday, November 22nd, is an opportunity to tune into a free webinar with Parisha Taylor. There are two times, and if you can’t make either of those, sign-up anyway because you will be able to receive the audio free!

I highly recommend this webinar. I have worked with Parisha Taylor for over 28 years and you can find more of my experiences with her at my blog, My Extraordinary Life with Business Coach Parisha Taylor: Life Lessons in Excellence.





Sign up for the free webinar here:

Posted by: DJ | November 11, 2014

Every Day is a New Life

Note: This is a re-post of an article from Deb Adler’s Weblog

One of the greatest examples of intelligent and courageous living I’ve learned in my association with Parisha Taylor, simply stated, is she greets each new day as a new life. Really.

That means not carrying forward any judgement, any drama…a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g…from the previous day’s interaction with an individual. Ever try that? It’s no small feat!

I don’t know that I’ve honestly been able to accomplish that yet. I try – but it takes a lot of practice to just wipe the slate clean from the day before and give a person the clear opportunity to be a different, better person.

Some might judge that as being weak, but I have witnessed time and time again, a power that has come with that practice that I am in awe of and am continually amazed.

In my current situation of coming into contact daily with an individual who has determined that I am some kind of “mortal enemy” that has to be destroyed…looking into those eyes “ain’t easy”! But to do so having released all thoughts, judgement, and conclusions from the day before…I’m still at the “watch my back” phase of development. But I can always strive to practice “A New Day, A New Life.”

After all, it’s in the intention of creating a new behavior, forming new neural nets, or “re-wiring” as they say in brain science these days, that the seeds of achieving that change exist. By being consciously aware of the desire to change, I am one step closer to breaking those old patterns and forming new ones.  Awareness, desire and willingness are key elements.

In the meantime, I smile, I look her in the eye, and I strive to remember that she is a child of the Creator.

-Deb Adler

©2014 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved (NOTE: ALL quotes and/or
materials from other authors or sources remain the sole property of the
original authors/source.)

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Posted by: DJ | November 11, 2014

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

NOTE: This is a reprint of a post at Deb Adler’s Weblog:

There are some people that I hang out with on a regular basis, and they are for the most part a very lively, fun-loving, life-celebrating group of people who have reason to celebrate every day as a gift – they have come to the other side of addiction and are living free one day at a time.

No one is perfect. Each individual is at their own stage of personal and spiritual development. There are no formal leaders – leadership rotates through volunteers. All that guides these people is a set of “Traditions.” When adhered to, these Traditions have been capable of dissolving perceived differences, “real” or imagined, and allowed people from all walks of life, various religious or non-religious beliefs, diverse social-cultural-political backgrounds come together in a common focus for the good of all. This fellowship extends around the globe  – in practically every country in the world.

With all that being said, Humans are still going to be Humans – and in those moments, may provide what one of my friends likes to describe as a “wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth.”

I have been given one such opportunity lately as a result of my relocation to a fairly small town in Arizona that shall remain unnamed because I do believe in “Principles before Personalities” and the particulars are really incidental to the larger picture and lessons learned.

Having come from a fairly urban setting, I can honestly say I really wasn’t prepared for such a sequence of events – “my bad” as the kids say.  But shortly after I arrived and began participating in the local meetings of this fellowship, one woman found it necessary to delve into my life’s details and felt she had discovered something for which she feels justified in judging me. (See previous post “On Gossip Mongering and the Truth”)

This woman has become a one-person vigilante movement determined to carry her message to everyone who will listen. Fortunately, those people she had approached are practicing the Principles outlined in the Traditions in all their affairs and have rejected her efforts to stir up controversy.

Now, to put this all in perspective, I’m talking about people from all walks of live, who have come back from some of the roughest, rawest experiences in life – ex-cons, prostitutes, thieves, and people who if not on such a drastic level have still cheated themselves and others in the name of being ruled by their addictions prior to recovery.  So who do you think is going to “cast the first stone?”

To add to my frustration, the allegations being made by this woman are not truthful – but have you ever tried to fight against lies? It’s a lot like shadow boxing. You can wear yourself out trying and never get anywhere!

So I have continued to attend the meetings and much to my delight, some “Real” people have stepped up and without directly addressing this person, have definitely addressed the issue of judgment and “singleness of purpose during the discussions and afterward.”

One thing I know is that whenever I look this woman in the eye, she looks away. “Pray for her” would be the advice of my spiritual mentors. And I am.

It’s been interesting and I’m not sure she’s done or just resting…but I know that I have to stay in the now and appreciate the sanity I feel surrounded by from those who have stepped up lovingly to let me know that they don’t give a rat’s ass about gossip or anyone’s background – real or imaginary.

Stay tuned.

-Deb Adler


©2014 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved (NOTE: ALL quotes and/or

materials from other authors or sources remain the sole property of the

original authors/source.)

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Posted by: DJ | November 11, 2014

On Gossip Mongering and the Truth

Note: This is a re-post of an article at Deb Adler’s Weblog


October 10, 2014

I stood before two people today and outstretched my hand to the husband. He smiled and the wife instantly threw her arm across him as though she were saving him from falling forward because he had no seat belt restraint in the car.

Are you serious? I asked her incredulously

Yes, I’m serious she shot back. You’re dangerous!

My head was going WTF? But I managed to calmly thank her husband for being willing to shake hands.

Then as I went to sit down I watched her lean toward her husband with her hand cupped and whispering to him like a little girl in third grade. She then leaned to her opposite side and repeated the same behavior to the man sitting next to her.

As the meeting progressed it became increasingly obvious that she had been contacting as many people as she could to “warn” them about me.

The REAL people in the meeting spoke to the issue of “Principles before Personalities” in a way that I knew they were trying to reach out. I knew she wouldn’t hear any of it, but then that’s not my territory to supervise.

©2014 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved (NOTE: ALL quotes and/or

materials from other authors or sources remain the sole property of the

original authors/source.)

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This FREE call is for you if you’re on a spiritual journey and you want to:

• Experience unlimited abundance – but as you keep trying, and failing, to do so, your confidence continues to plummet
• Rediscover your inner passion – and ignite it so you can tirelessly pursue the life you truly want and deserve (because right now, you feel like you’re just wandering – or spinning your wheels)
• Develop your personal power so you can define and achieve exactly what you want in life, so you can move forward with purpose and passion
• Feel empowered and powerful – rather than listless and hopeless – as you transcend your current levels of prosperity and spiritual fulfillment

FREE Training Call on Tuesday, March 5th at 1pm Arizona MT or 6pm Arizona MT.


Sometimes, no matter how hard you work, achieving the wealth and abundance you SO want and deserve can be difficult – not to mention frustrating.

With all the dire news circulating about today’s economy, wealth and abundance may seem like far off dreams. And if you’ve taken that news to heart, any attempts you’ve made to attract wealth probably haven’t worked, have they?

As a result, your confidence has dissolved. And you know that’s not good for attracting abundance.
The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way.

With the right tools and skills – and confidence – you can FINALLY attract the wealth you really want.

I’m Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, and I’m dedicated to ending world poverty. As an educator – I taught Quantum Physics for 50 years before it became popular – I am a business coach and mentor. I’ve taught thousands of entrepreneurs how to utilize business technology. I’m globally acknowledged as Peacekeeper and Wisdom Path Teacher, and I’ve spent years teaching pathways to human development, health, wealth and happiness.

I specialize in attracting wealth and abundance, and that’s exactly what I’m going to share during this complimentary training call, “3 Secrets to Attracting Unlimited Wealth.”

Join me and learn:

• What “wealth” really is, and how to get it going
• The future of politics and economics, and what you can do about it
• How to overcome low self-confidence and increase your self-esteem when it comes to attracting wealth
• Proven skills you can hone, starting NOW, to begin attracting the wealth and abundance you deserve
• And more.

If you’ve ever joined me for a class or talk, you know I always provide information you can use immediately to improve the quality of your life. I hope you’ll join me!

FREE Training Call on Tuesday, March 5th at 1pm Arizona MT or 6pm Arizona MT.


Pa’Ris’Ha has taught Quantum Physics for fifty years, long before it became accepted and popular. She educates about how the brain functions and how to reprogram our thinking through scientifically proven neurophysiologic principles. She is a powerful business Coach and Mentor and she has taught thousands business technology, and has established hundreds of successful companies who today enjoy health, wealth and happiness. She is a master in organization and flow, time effectiveness and higher profit levels. She says, “Organization is Realization”™ She is dedicated and serves to end world poverty.

Ka’lu Rinpoche of Tibet, and Rinpoche T’Sering Wang’di of Bhutan have declared Pa’Ris’Ha a reincarnation of Buddha TARA. A Spiritual Archeologist she has Cherokee Native American and European ancestry. She is known as an Elder and traditionally addressed as “Grandmother” a term of endearment and recognition of valor’s earned. She is globally acknowledged as Peacekeeper, and Wisdom Path Teacher. She is fun, caring, and delightful, you will be filled with insight and information that you have wanted for a very long time.

Pa’Ris’Ha has been a guest speaker on numerous global TV and Radio appearances and has introduced pathways in Human Development, Health, Wealth and Happiness for over fifty years. She founded humanitarian organizations to relieve suffering of all sentient Beings.

“To be in the presence of Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha is to be in the face of universal love and the power of that. She speaks with the impact of thunder and lightening, the elements responds to her as an authority, her power is genuine love in its purest form. All of nature responds to her love, as she often speaks of herself as a child of the forest. And she openly shows her love of humanity. Truly a Bodhisattva.” Ka’Lu Tibetan Rinpoche.

Posted by: DJ | December 24, 2012

“Because You Believe”

This song was written and first performed by Deb Adler 13 years ago, but its message could not be more timely today.

Please view on YouTube.

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Help this message of experience, strength and hope go global!

Merry Christmas!

*Because You Believe ©1999 Deborah Adler. All rights Reserved.

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